- Winning at money is 80% behavior and the 20% head knowledge. 成功理财取决于八成理财习惯,两成理财知识。
- Spend less and invest more. 少花钱多投资。缩减开支,保证盈余。
- If you will live like no one else NOW, LATER you can live like no one else.如果现在能为理财吃得苦中苦,今后才能享受到不再有财富压力的人上人生活。
- The enemy of "the best" is not "the worst". The enemy of "the best" is "just fine". “最好”的敌人不是“最坏”而是“还行”(温水煮青蛙的道理)。
- 90% of solving a problem is realizing there is one.意识到问题的存在就可以解决问题的九成了。
- Financial smart — informed about where your money is, how much you're actually have, and what you actually need on a monthly or annual basis 聪明地理财-知道你的钱花在哪儿,实际有多少存款,每月/每年实际上真正需要的花费。
- Financially wise — realistic, facing the facts, living in the reality that the financial decisions of today will greatly impact your financial well-being tomorrow 理财的智慧-现实的面对事实,明白今天的任何财政决定都会影响到明天的财政健康。
- Everyone must budget, plan retirement, and do estate planning—everyone. You don't have time not to. 每个人都必须设定预算,退休计划和财产规划—每个人!你没有任何理由说没有时间做这些。
- The typical millionaire found infinitely more motivation from the goal of financial security than from what friends and family thought. 一般的富翁都会认为比起来朋友和家人想什么,实现自我财政的安全感更具有无限的动力。
Major Components of a Healthy Financial Plan:This form lists all of the important documents you need for a healthy and organized financial plan.
* How is The Total Money Makeover different? It is more than a "what to do" book—it is a "how to do it" plan. It is a process book.
* Major obstacles that keep you from becoming fiscally fit body of money management and staying power are:
- Denial (I don't have a problem)
- Debt Myths (debt is how you become wealthy
- Money Myths (stories told by the culture)
- Ignorance (lack of know-how)
- Keep up with the Joneses (need for approval and respect from others)
Key Concept #1: No Money... Is No Fun
* The amount of control you have over financial matters is often reflected in how you feel about money matters in general.
* Before you are truly willing to embark on a total money makeover, you need to face up to how you feel about your current financial situation.
- If you like your current financial situation you'll probably feel pretty good about money matters and you don't need a makeover.
- If you don't like your current financial situation you probably feel pretty lousy about your finances. A makeover is for you.
Key Concept #2: If You Don't Know How Money Works... What Future Is There in Working for Money?
* God's and grandma's way of handling money works: "Spend less and invest more".
* Winning at money is 80% behavior and the 20% head knowledge.
* This method works because it gets to the heart of your money problems: YOU.
Key Concept #3: Take a Short, Painful Walk into a Lifetime of Success
* If you will live like no one else NOW, LATER you can live like no one else.
- Living like no one else NOW means leaving a sacrificial, highly focused, purpose-driven life when it comes to your money.
- Living like no one else LATER means leaving without the worry, frustration, stress or fear that comes from constantly being on the brink of financial disaster. It means living LATER with feelings of confidence, hope, and joy related to money.
* Any change that truly results in growth or improvement has an element of pain associated with it.
Key Concept #1: Most People Are NOT as Well Off as They Think They Are
- 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
- You need to realize there is a problem, but you must also see what could hinder your move toward financial fitness.
- 90% of solving a problem is realizing there is one.
- Focused intensity, life-or-death intensity is required for you to reset your money spending patterns, and one of your biggest obstacles is denial.
Key Concept #2: If You Don’t Do Anything...Things Will Get Worse!
- The enemy of "the best" is not "the worst". The enemy of "the best" is "just fine".
- The story of the frog in the water that is gradually turned up from warm temperature to the boiling point.
- Most people won't change until the pain of where they are exceeds the pain of change.
Key Concept #3: Denial Is Not the Same as Being Uninformed
- Denial is knowing the numbers related to your financial condition but choosing to ignore them and to leave as if you didn't know them.
- I strongly encourage you to become both smart and wise — smart in “knowing” where you stand financially, and wise in “facing” the fact that you may be standing in financial quicksand.
- Financial smart — informed about where your money is, how much you're actually have, and what you actually need on a monthly or annual basis.
- Financially wise — realistic, facing the facts, living in the reality that the financial decisions of today will greatly impact your financial well-being tomorrow.
Key Concept #1 : You Must STOP Doing Some BAD Things Before You Can Do GOOD Things
- Debt is a means obtain the "I want it" before we can afford them.
- Debit is so ingrained into our culture that most people can't even envision a car without a payment, a house without a mortgage, a student without a loan, and a credit without a card.
Key Concept #2: Debt Is NOT a Good Tool for Creating Prosperity
- Debit brings out enough risk to offset any advantage that could be gained through leverage of debit.
Key Concept #3: One of the Best Ways to Lose a Friend Is to Loan Money to That Friend
- The lesson is that while it is fine to give money to friends in need if you have it, loaning them money will mess up relationships.
Key Concept #4: Don't Get Involved in "Rip-Off" Possibilities
- Generally speaking, lower income people fall for this rip-off deals, which only ensures that they will remain at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
- If a deal has "quick" associated with it, beware. If the deal involves the idea of "get it now, pay later," run.
Key Concept #5: Get Smart About Buying an Automobile
- A good used car that is less than three years old is as reliable or more reliable than a new car.
Key Concept #6: Get Smart About Credit Card
- When you use your credit card, you are taking out a loan.
- If you don't pay off the loan in 30 days, you can count on interest, and it is much higher than any other type of bank loan.
- Our kids are all commission, not allowance. Work and get paid. Don't work and don't get paid. It's just like the real world.
- Our children put their newly earn the money in envelopes labeled Save, Spend, and Give. When a child learns to work, safe, spend, and give under a mature parent's direction, the child can avoid the messages that say a credit card equals prosperity.
Key Concept #7; Beware of Debt "Management" Idea
- If you stay in debit longer, you get a lower payment, BUT you pay the lender more.
- Debt is not a tool; it is a method to make banks wealthy, not you.
Key Concept #1: There's a Price to Be Paid for Financial Fitness
- Most of these money myths are rooted in the problems we have already discussed: denial and/or shortcut mentality.
Key Concept #2: Get Smart About "Rich and Safe" Investments
- Gold has a poor track record and isn't used one and economy collapses.
- Cash Value life insurance is one of the worst financial products available. Choose Term Life instead.
Key Concept #3: Get Smart About Real-Estate Investments
- The best real-estate investment is a house — a single-family dwelling.
Key Concept #4: Be Wise About "Prepaid" Investment Schemes
- If you prepay something, you return on the investment is basically the rate of inflation.
- You'd better off to take the amount you are dropping into a prepaid plan and invest it.
Key Concept #5: Choose Wise Counsel When It Comes to Your Money
- Everyone must budget, plan retirement, and do estate planning—everyone. You don't have time not to.
- Make sure you get solid information.
- DO plan AHEAD.
- Don't Turn to Debt/Management Companies.
- Say "No" to Credit Cleanup Companies.
- Be Wary of "Collectors" Who Operate as "Middlemen".
Key Concept #6: Know Who Owes
- When it comes to debt and divorce.
Key Concept #7: Carry Cash
- It is the most powerful key to controlling your spending habits.
Key Concept #8: Maintain Basic Insurance Polices:
- Health Insurance
- Auto insurance
- Homeowner insurance
- Life insurance (if you are married or have children)
- Make a Will
- Long-term disability insurance
- Long-term care insurance (if you are over age 60)
Key Concept #1: There's a Price to Be Paid for Financial Freedom
- We each must identify the hurdles we'll face if we are to win the battle against overspending and financial mismanagement.
Key Concept #2: Choose to Become Financially Smart
- Ignorance is not a lack of intelligence — it's a lack of know-how.
- How to overcome ignorance:
• Admit that you are not a financial expert because you were never taught.
• Finish this book.
• Go on a lifetime quest to learn more about money. - Read something about money at least once a year.
- Visit daveramsery.com for recommended reading by other authors.
Key Concept #3: Stop Trying to Keep Up with the Joneses
- Peer pressure, culture expectation, attending a "reasonable standard of living", keeping up with the Joneses (whoever they are), we all struggle with a desire to be accepted by our family, friends, and peers.
- One of the paradoxically dumb things we do is to destroy our finances by buying garbage we can't afford to try to make ourselves appear wealthy to others.
- The typical millionaire found infinitely more motivation from the goal of financial security than from what friends and family thought.
- Being real takes tremendous courage.
Key Concept #4: Decide Before the Climb If You Are Willing to Follow the Guide
- Some things I will tell you to do won't work and will cause damage if you still cling to Denial, Myths, Ignorance, or Approval.
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