【超全干货】疫情期间F-1学生签证转婚姻绿卡DIY攻略【附所有cover letter】

【超全干货】疫情期间F-1学生签证转婚姻绿卡DIY攻略【附所有cover letter】

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首先向大家推荐一个软件:Green card hero. 这个软件极大地缩短了我准备材料的时间,绝大部分内容他都囊括了,而且阅读起来比USCIS的表格要友好许多。他不够个性化,有些地方还是要去自己操作或者查资料。但是考虑到这个软件只有299刀,和请一个移民律师比起来要划算很多了。


一般申请绿卡的时候可以同时申请comba card,也就是工卡(I-765) 和回美证(I-131),但是考虑到疫情关系,我估计短时期内我也不会回国,然后也听说申请combo card (工卡和回美证一起)可能会比只申请工卡要时间长,所以我就只申请了绿卡和工卡,总共分五个package: I-130, I-485, I-765, I-944, I-864.

申请过程中其实最重要的一步是写cover letter,也即弄清楚自己到底要交哪些材料,弄清之后只要按照instruction一个个去找就可以了。我交了一篇总的cover letter,然后在每个package里都附上一份单独的cover letter,按顺序排列好材料,并在每一份材料的底端贴好sticky note,标明这份材料是什么,以便检阅。有些资料有重复,我也在每一个package里都复印了一份。希望移民局的诸位行行好,快点审阅让我可以开始工作吧!! 0.0 

下面我把自己的cover letter分享一下,有什么需要注意的点我会用中文写明。

1. 总cover letter

Concurrent filing of I-130, I-485, I-864, and I-765
Original Submission
Petitioner (U.S. Citizen): 
Beneficiary (Alien Spouse): 

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please kindly find enclosed concurrent filing of forms:
I-130(Petition for Alien Relative),
I-485(Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status), 
I-864 (Affidavit of Support),
I-765(Application for Employment Authorization).

Enclosed please find the packages with their respective cover letters in the following order:
1.           Cover Letter for all
2.           I-130 Package (I-130a included),
3.           I-485 Package (I-693 included)
4.           I-944 Packge,
5.           I-864 Package,
6.           I-765 Package.

      Please kindly approve our application. Thank you in advance for your attention and assistance in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.



2. 130-package

I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
Original Submission
Petitioner: YYY
Beneficiary: XXX
To Whom It May Concern,
I am filing the enclosed Form I-130 on behalf of XXX, the beneficiary. I, YYY, am a U.S. citizen, and XXX is my spouse.
The following documents accompany and support this application. All items are labeled with sticky tabs and are bound to this application packet:
1. Payment for the amount of $535; 支票用回形针或者小夹子夹在cover letter上,收款人是U.S. Department of Homeland Security,不要写USCIS,在支票的备注里写好"Form I-130",目前I-130的filing fee是$535。
2. Form G-1145 - Sponsor's E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance; 这个是邮件或短信通知,最好都申请一下,以免错过来自移民局的消息。
3. Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative; 记得让公民配偶签名。
4. Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary; 申请人签名。
5. Two identical passport-style photos of Petitioner; 照片背后写好名字,如果有别的信息,如A-number,也要写上去。写完以后照片放在透明的zip lock bag 里,把透明袋用夹子或者回形针别在纸上。
6. Two identical passport-style photos of Beneficiary;
7. Petitioner's U.S. birth certificate; 
8. Petitioner's U.S. passport; 要不要复印整本护照好像有争议,但是保险起见我都复印了。
9. Marriage certificate; 这个不是marriage license,需要专门向当地的marriage court request,然后等他寄过来。
10. A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence;

11. Documentation showing combined financial resources; 

12. Other evidence showing there is a bona fide marriage. 我打印了一些我们结婚照订婚照以及之前出去玩的照片,还有Facebook上订婚和结婚时候的官宣。
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 12345678. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this I-130 Petition.


3. Cover Letter for I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
To Whom It May Concern,
This is the I-485 package for the beneficiary’s application.
1.     A check for I-485 fee ($1140.00) and Biometric Services fee ($85.00) totaling $1225.00, 支票要求如前所述。
2.     Form G-1145 for Beneficiary, Applicant’s E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance,
3.     Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status,
4.     Form I-693 (sealed medical evaluation), 体检提交的时间有好几个时间点,一个是和所有表格一起提交,一个是等RFE了再提交,还有面试的时候去提交也可以。如果是和I-485一起提交的话需要在提交日60天以内做体检。可以在这个网站上找到USCIS承认的医生或者clinic:https://my.uscis.gov/findadoctor 大部分时候保险都不cover。一般出国之前有体检过的小伙伴不需要再全部把疫苗打一遍了,出示小黄本可以少打几针,如果之前在美国别的地方打过,出示证明也可以。每年9月-3月申请的人需要再打流感疫苗 (flu shot),很多保险都会包,可以先去打,然后给医生看证明就可以了。如果实在找不到证明但是又记得自己打过,那可以让clinic测试抗体。不过这个需要等待的时间就比较长了。
5.     Passport style photo for Beneficiary*2 (See the Zip lock Bag),
6.     A copy of Beneficiary’s passport,
7.     A copy of VISA Page and latest admission for Beneficiary, 这个虽然之前的护照复印件重复了,但是还是建议再重新复印一份。
8.     A copy of all other passport pages with admission stamps for Beneficiary, 同上。
9.     A copy of Beneficiary’s notarized birth certificate in Chinese (Original Copy), English (the translated Copy), and the notarial certificate for true and faithful translation, 中国的出生证明是不够的,还需要出生公证以及翻译件。父母亲戚在国内的话可以请他们帮忙代办,带上出生证明、户口本、身份证去当地公证处就可以了。
10.  A copy of Marriage Certificate,
11.  A copy of Beneficiary’s I-94 Form, 
12.  A copy of EAD approval letter I-797, 如果以前身份有过变动会收到I-797 Notice,没有变动过则不需要这一栏。
13.  A copy of all Form I-20,
14.  A copy of federal tax return of the latest year for Beneficiary,
15.  A copy of SSN for Beneficiary. 

Thank you for your kind attention and assistance in this case.

4. Cover Letter for I-944 
To Whom It May Concern,
This is the I-944 package for the beneficiary’s application.
1.     Form I-944, Declaration of Self Sufficiency,  
2.     Evidence of Beneficiary's household relationship (birth certificate and marriage certificate),
3.     Beneficiary’s IRS transcript of Federal income tax return for the most recent tax year,
4.     Beneficiary’s household member’s IRS transcript of Federal income tax return for the most recent tax year,
5.     Beneficiary's household members’ foreign tax transcripts *2 (translated and notarized), 这个是我父母在国内的税单,经过翻译和公证。
6.     Evidence of asset value (bank account statements for the last 12 months), 过去12个月的财产证明。
7.     Beneficiary’s credit report, 这个USCIS有指定三大机构:Experian、Equifax 和TransUnion. 我三个都试过,只有Experian可以免费试用然后获得信用分数,所以就用了它。其他两家都需要再另外交钱。
8.     Beneficiary’s credit score document,
9.     Beneficiary’s proof of health insurance enrollment (starting date included), 这个根据USCIS还需要提交别的proof,比如coverage是多少,deductible 和premium是什么。刚好我的保险过期了,和老公一起用一个,尚未开始,所以就让保险公司写了一封信,证明自己有医保。
10.    Evidence of Beneficiary’s degrees (transcript and diploma), 在美国的学历只需要成绩单就可以了,一般向学校request一周就可以收到,必须是official transcript。
11.    Evidence of Beneficiary’s foreign education equivalency (college transcript, verified by WES), 国内的学历需要认证,这个网页里列出的机构都予以承认:https://www.naces.org/members.php 我用的是WES认证,不过WES认证前还需要把成绩单上传到学信网,然后再把学信网认证的结果发给WES,才能完成认证。我之前申请学校有用过,所以就直接又申请了一份。别的机构可能会方便一些。

12.  Evidence of Beneficiary’s occupational skills, 如果职业上有证书可以附上。
13.  Evidence of Hongye Mao’s language skills (transcript). 如果有在美国上学,直接提交成绩单就可以证明语言能力,如果没有的话,可以提交托福成绩。
Thank you for your kind attention and assistance in this case.



5. Cover Letter for I-765 
To Whom It May Concern,
This is the I-765 package for the beneficiary’s application.
1.     Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization,
2.     Two identical passport-style photos of Beneficiary (see the Zip lock bag),
3.     A copy of Beneficiary’s government-issued photo ID (passport),
4.     A copy of VISA page for Beneficiary,
5.     A copy of Beneficiary’s I-94 Form,
6.     A copy of SSN for Beneficiary, 
7.     A copy of Beneficiary's EAD approval letter I-797,
8.     previous EAD card (both sides) .
Thank you for your kind attention and assistance in this case.

6. Cover Letter for I-864

To Whom It May Concern,
This is the I-864 package for the Petitioner’s application.
1.     Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA,
2.    Petitioner’s IRS transcript of Federal Tax Return – most recent year,
3.    Petitioner’s Form 1099 for the past 3 years.
Thank you for your kind attention and assistance in this case.





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