0 basic how to learn pinyin

0 basic how to learn pinyin

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For those who do not have any basic knowledge of Chinese Pinyin, if they can master the Chinese Pinyin input method in a short time, they should start from several aspects.

The first is to recognize reading. When recognizing, first find someone to teach or find video materials to learn by yourself. The pronunciation must be accurate. Because the accuracy of pronunciation determines the accuracy of typing in the future, we must not be careless. About recognition, of course, we don't need to write left and right again and again like primary school students. Just look at it. Of course, we all have capital letters on the keyboard. Recognition must be capital letters.

The second is spelling. No matter where you are and what local dialect you usually speak, you will definitely speak Mandarin. As for some flat and warped tongue sounds, it doesn't matter if it's really difficult to distinguish. You can gradually correct them when typing. The key is how to spell words. For people who have not learned Chinese Pinyin, they feel so magical and even doubt whether they can learn it. In fact, Chinese pinyin spelling is still a relatively simple thing. You can start practicing spelling when you learn a few initials and vowels.

Chinese pinyin spelling is a versatile thing. If you master the basic skills, it is easy to learn or master spelling. For example, we have learned that the initial "m" is read as touch, and we have learned that the vowel "a". Each vowel has four pronunciations. Now let's say that it is read as a flat voice. You can say "touch" and "ah" together more quickly. When you read it several times, you will find that what you read is not "touch" or "ah", but "Mom". Then try two, three and four tones. Do you read "Ma", "Ma" and "scold". If so, you can understand the essentials of spelling. Just practice when you're free without too much effort.

The third is typing. It's best to remember the position of each letter on the keyboard. If you can't remember it at once, take your time. Typing is a process in which practice makes perfect. You should practice more.

Chinese pinyin is designed for Chinese people to learn Chinese. Everyone can learn to learn it well.

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