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如何爆料 如何入选 如何兑现


  • Dealmoon手机APP, 网页端, 或第三方商家APP均可参与爆料!需将APP更新到最新版本哦!

  • 手机APP点击主页搜索框旁的相机icon → 页面左下方“爆料”,或点击主页中间左侧“爆料收礼卡”小喇叭icon → 页面正下方“去爆料”;
  • 网页端点击主页上方“爆料频道”按钮 → 页面右侧“去爆料”;
  • 第三方商家APP点击任意分享按钮 → Dealmoon APP → “去爆料”。
  • 点击查看:爆料操作图片详解>>


  • 前往兑换商城,可兑换面值为$1, $3,$5,$20,$100的Amazon礼卡。



  • 写清商品名称,折扣力度,如需要使用折扣码必须填写折扣码。爆料填写范本>>
  • 必须上传图片(上传购物车截图、价格截图、折扣码信息截图等可以提高录取率哦)。
  • 语句通顺,表达清楚,避免抄袭小编推荐。
  • Walmart,,, KOHL'SAmazon.comMacy'sCostco要求爆料价格低于 Dealmoon 30天内发布过的非过期折扣以及爆料帖已发布的信息,并且下降幅度大于10%。
  • WalmartGroupon:要求自营产品或官方旗舰店。
  • Amazon.comFulfilled by Amazon 至少50个review;Sold by Amazon 无门槛;第三方 不参与爆料活动。部分官方FBA商家及逆天价折扣除外。
  • 部分商家、部分产品暂不支持爆料。
  • 折扣预告:需要上传官网预告截图、官网邮件截图、或官方邀请卡等官方预告信息。需要含有明确的开始日期以及折扣力度,其余的“虚空”爆料将作为信息有误处理。
  • 严禁在分享的图文内容、评论回复、个人主页介绍等任何地方出现任何条码格式信息;代购、广告信息;淘宝店铺、微店等非官网网店的推销信息;虚假广告信息;严禁注册小号;恶意多次提交相同爆料等其他违规行为。一经发现,一律做封号处理!
  • 书籍、电子书品类的商品不参与爆料活动。
  • 分享内容必须真实有效,并且与他人或DealMoon折扣页面信息没有重复。
  • Please only submit publicly available coupon codes and not private or internal company codes.



  • 原创折扣,好物好价分享等信息,更有可能被入选。
  • 推荐理由写的走心,更有可能被入选。
  • Daily Deal,Newsletter以外的折扣信息,更有可能入选。
  • Amazon.comSold by Amazon 无门槛;Fulfilled by Amazon 300个review,4星以上。注:部分产品(食品等)除外。
  • 部分预告信息除外。


  • 折扣资源来自于爆料区以外,则不会收到奖励。
  • 恶意多次提交Newsletter、官网首页、DealMoon过期折扣等公共信息的账号,情节严重将被封号。
  • 如有疑问或者建议,请联系我们。



  • 参与活动和提供原创信息的用户必须遵守北美省钱快报用户协议DEALMOON TERMS OF USER AGREEMENT北美省钱用户隐私条款北美省钱用户版权申明
  • 参与活动和提供原创信息的用户必须提供真实,合法,有效的原创内容, 或是公开信息, 不得有虚假广告信息,未经相关权利人同意 不得使用其他网站或个人信息, 不得违反其他第三方网站用户协议, 不得使用Dealmoon 网站其他功能内已公布的信息。
  • 参与活动和提供原创信息的用户必须遵守抽奖规则:Your participation in the event may result in the receipt of taxable income from Dealmoon and we may be required to send to you, and file with the IRS, a Form 1099-MISC (miscellaneous income) if annual accumulated amount reaches $600 and more. You are responsible for providing Dealmoon with the Form W-9 filled out of your personal information and your signature. You are also responsible for any tax liability, including disclosure requirements, related to participating in this event. Dealmoon reserve the right to hold the prize until required Form W-9 is provided.
  • Dealmoon 保留对所有活动规定的所有解释权。


  • By providing user-generated content, you agree to our User Agreement, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice.
  • By providing user-generated content, you agree to provide true and authentic content, created originally,No private to any other 3rd party or internal company codes are allowed,not violation of the terms and conditions of any third-party coupon website.
  • By providing user-generated content, you agree to our Sweepstakes policy as follows: Your participation in the event may result in the receipt of taxable income from Dealmoon and we may be required to send to you, and file with the IRS, a Form 1099-MISC (miscellaneous income) if annual accumulated amount reaches $600 and more. You are responsible for providing Dealmoon with the Form W-9 filled out of your personal information and your signature. You are also responsible for any tax liability, including disclosure requirements, related to participating in this event. Dealmoon reserve the right to hold the prize until required Form W-9 is provided.
  • Dealmoon reserve the right to delete any message for any reason whatsoever at Dealmoon's sole discretion.

最新评论 2


:“Sold by Amazon 无门槛” 为什么审核的时候都写了是 自营 Sold by Amazon 还是总因为review不够50审核不通过?有的爆料连Fulfilled 都不是Amazon都给过,这也看人的吗?如果是改了审核标准是不是这里也要改一下?

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